Re: [hypermail] attachments

From: Sherif K <>
Date: 10 Dec 2002 12:30:15 -0500
Message-Id: <>

Sure.. Here are the commands:
This is called every time mailman receives a message

/usr/local/bin/hypermail -p -c /usr/local/etc/hypermail.conf -m /usr/local/apps/mailman/archives/private/%(listname)s.mbox/%(listname)s.mbox -l %(listname)s -d /usr/local/apps/mailman/archives/private/%(listname)s >>/tmp/archiverout'

I think it is repeatedly parsing the entire mbox file.

I have attached the config file.


On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 12:04, Peter C. McCluskey wrote:

> (Sherif K) writes:
> >Hello, we are using Hypermail to create the archives for our mailman
> >lists.  things have been working good for a while now, but we recently
> >discovered a problem where hypermail keeps creating copies of the
> >attachment directories, so there are like 500 directories named like
> >att452345 that each contain almost the same files, it appears that
> >hypermail is recreating this attachment directory every time it runs,
> >and so it has filled up the hard disk with these copies of attachments. 
> >I did not see any options for this in the config file, is this a bug or
> >a misconfiguration? Any help would be much appreciated!
>  My guess is a misconfiguration. Could you tell us what command line
> you are using to call hypermail, whether you are sending it one mail
> at a time or repeatedly giving it an entire mailbox, and what your
> config file (~/.hmrc) looks like?
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Peter McCluskey          | Free Jon Johansen!
> | 


# This is an automatically generated config file done by
# Hypermail 2.1.4 patchlevel 0 - Wed Aug 7 13:54:12 2002

# A two-letter string specifying the language to use!
# For example 'en' for English

#language = en

# Use this to specify the html file suffix to be used
# when Hypermail generates the html files. This is depen-
# dent on local needs. Do not put a '.' in the value. It
# would result in "file..html", probably not what you want.
#htmlsuffix = html

# This is the mailbox to read messages in from. Set this with
# a value of NONE to read from standard input.
#mbox =

# Set this to On to read mboxes using the IETF convention.
#ietf_mbox = Off

# This will create a link in the archived index pages
# labeled 'Other mail archives' to the specified URL. Set
# this to NONE to omit such a link.

#archives =

# If this variable is defined, a navigation entry will be
# created below the sorted_by_x list entry, with the text
# Other mail archives: followed by the value of this variable.
# Set it to NONE to ommit such an entry.
#custom_archives =

# This will create a link in the archived index pages
# labeled 'About this archive' to the specified URL. Set
# this to NONE to omit such a link.

#about =

# Define this as the label to put in archives.
#label =

# This is the directory that Hypermail will look for when
# creating and updating archives. If defined as NONE the
# directory will have the same name as the input mailbox.
#dir =

# This specifies the default index that users can view when
# entering the archive. Valid types are date, thread, author,
# subject, and attachment. When using the folder_by_date or
# msgsperfolder options, this option applies to subdirectories.
defaultindex = date

# This specifies the default index that users can view when
# entering the top level of an archive that uses the folder_by_date
# or msgsperfolder option. Valid types are date, thread, author,
# subject, attachment, and folders.

default_top_index = folders

# This is a list of index files to not generate. Valid types are
# date, thread, author, and subject. When using the folder_by_date or
# msgsperfolder options, this option applies to subdirectories.
#avoid_indices =

# This is a list of index files to not generate for the top
# directory of an archive using the folder_by_date or
# msgsperfolder option. Valid types are date, thread, author,
# subject, folders, and attachment.

#avoid_top_indices =

# Set this to On to make Hypermail overwrite existing archives.
#overwrite = Off

# Define to On to make text/html parts to get inlined with the mails.
# If set to Off, HTML-parts will be stored as separate files.
# A "Content-Disposition: attachment;" line in the mail will
# cause an HTML-part to be stored as a separate file even if this
# option is On.

#inlinehtml = On

# Set this to On to append the input to existing archive.
increment = On

# Set this to On to specify there is only one message in the input.
#readone = Off

# Setting this variable to On will reverse-sort the article
# entries in the date and thread index files by the
# date they were received. That is, the most recent messages
# will appear at the top of the index rather than the other
# way around.

#reverse = Off

# Set this to 1 or 2 to always show a progress report as
# Hypermail works. With a setting of 1, hypermail
# overwrites the progress information relating to attachment
# creation. With a setting of 2, attachment creation information
# is listed individually with the number of the message the
# attachments relate to. This is written to stdout.
#progress = 0

# Set this to On to show the article header lines in the archived HTML
# files. These lines typically include the To:, From:, and Subject:
# information found in most email messages.
#showheaders = Off

# Set this to 1 to show the articles in a proportionally-spaced
# font rather than a fixed-width (monospace) font.
# Set this to 2 for more complex conversion to html
# similar to that in <a href=""></a>.
# Showhtml = 2 will normally produce nicer looking results than
# showhtml = 1, and showhtml = 0 will look pretty dull, but
# 1 and 2 run risks of altering the appearance in undesired ways.
#showhtml = 1

# Set this to On to place <br> tags at the end of article lines.
# Otherwise, all non-quoted article lines will word wrap. This
# only takes effect if hm_showhtml is 1.
#showbr = On

# Set this to On to place horizontal rules before and after articles.
#showhr = On

# Set this to On to show all replies to a message as links
# in article files.

#showreplies = On

# Set this to 1 to put the individual message links at the top
# of the individual message pages. Set this to 0 to produce pages
# without the Next, Previous, Reply, In-Reply-To, etc. links. Set
# it to 3 to produce those links only at the top of the message
# pages, or 4 to produce those links only at the bottom of the
# message.

#show_msg_links = 1

# Set this to 1 to show links to index pages from the top and
# bottom of each message file. Set it to 0 to avoid those links.
# Set it to 3 to show the links only at the top of the message
# pages, or 4 to produce those links only at the bottom of the
# message.

#show_index_links = 1

# Setting this variable to On will tell Hypermail to generate
# an index menu at the top and bottom of each page in a table
# format. Set to Off if you want the standard Hypermail page look
# and feel

usetable = On

# Setting this variable to On will tell Hypermail to generate
# message index Subject/Author/Date listings using a nice table
# format. Set to Off if you want the original Hypermail index look.
indextable = On

# Set this to On to italicize quoted lines.
#iquotes = On

# Set this to On to display article received dates with
# days before months instead of months before days.
#eurodate = Off

# Set this to On to display article received dates in
# YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. If used with the gmtime option, a
# Z will be inserted between the DD and HH.
#isodate = Off

# Set this to On to display article received dates using
# Greenwich Mean Time (UTC) rather than local time.
#gmtime = Off

# Set this to Off to accept messages with a Message-ID matching
# that of a message already in this archive.
# By default such messages are discarded.
#discard_dup_msgids = On

# Set this to Off to accept messages without a Message-ID header.
# By default such messages are discarded.
#require_msgids = On

# Set this to On to store the content type of a MIME attachment in
 # a metadata file.
#usemeta = Off

# Set this to On to use hypermail's internal locking mechanism.
#uselock = On

# Set this to On to use gdbm to implement a header cache.
#This will speed up hypermail, especially if your filesystem is slow. #It will not provide any speedup with the linkquotes option. usegdbm = On

# Set this to On to maintain a parallel mbox archive. The file
#name defaults to mbox in the directory specified by -d or dir. #append = Off

# Specifies the filename to be used by the append option.

#$DIR may be used to specify a name relative to the directory
#specified in the -d or dir option.
#append_filename = 

# This specifies the number of thread levels to outline
# in the thread index.

#thrdlevels = 4

# This is an octal number representing the permissions
# that new directories are set to when they are created.
#dirmode = 755

# This is an octal number representing the file permissions
# that new files are set to when they are created.
#filemode = 644

# This specifies the mail command to use when converting
# email addresses to links. The variables $TO, $SUBJECT,
# and $ID can be used in constructing the command string.
#mailcommand = mailto:$TO?Subject=$SUBJECT

# The address of the contact point that is put in the HTML header
# line <link rev=made href="mailto:MAILTO">. Setting this to NONE
# disables <link...> header generation.

#mailto =

# Set this to the list's submission address.
#hmail =

# This specifies the mail command to use when converting the
# set_hmail address to links in replies. The variables $TO, $SUBJECT,
# and $ID can be used in constructing the command string.
#newmsg_command = mailto:$TO

# This specifies the mail command to use when converting the
# set_hmail address to links in replies. The variables $TO, $SUBJECT,
# and $ID can be used in constructing the command string. The value
# from mailcommand will be used if this option is not specified.
#replymsg_command = not set

# Set this to the domainname you want added to a mail address
# appearing in the RFC822 field which lack a hostname.
#domainaddr = NONE

# This obsolete entry kept around to help warn users with old config files.
#body =

# Specifies a URL to an external CSS stylesheet for the index pages.
The CSS will be associated to the indexes thru an HTML LINK element. icss_url =

# Specifies a URL to an external CSS stylesheet for the message pages.
The CSS will be associated to the indexes thru an HTML LINK element. mcss_url =

# This is a list of MIME types that you want hypermail to treat
# exactly as if they were text/plain.

#text_types =

# This is the list of MIME types that you want <img> tags to as
# opposed to simply <a href> to from the message.
#inline_types = image/gif image/jpeg image/png

# When mails using multipart/mixed types are scanned, this list of
# MIME types defines which part you want presented in the result.
# See the save_alts option for how non prefered types are treated.
#prefered_types =

# This is the list of MIME attachment types that you do not want
# to do anything with. Two special types may be used here:
# $BINARY - ignore all types that would be stored as separate files.
# $NONPLAIN - ignore all types not treated as text/plain, and all $BINARY types.
# Note: the behavior of these may be affected by the inlinehtml option.
#ignore_types =

# This is the list of headers to be displayed if 'showheaders'
# is set to On). They can be listed comma or space separated
# all on a single line.

#show_headers =

# Define path as the path to a template file containing
# valid HTML formatting statements that you wish to
# included at the top of every index page.
ihtmlheaderfile =/usr/local/apps/mailman/templates/en/header.html

# Define path as the path to a template file containing
# valid HTML formatting statements that you wish to
# included at the bottom of every index page.
#ihtmlfooterfile =

# Define path as the path to a template file containing
# valid HTML formatting statements that you wish to use
# at the top of every message page.

mhtmlheaderfile =/usr/local/apps/mailman/templates/en/header.html

# Define path as the path to a template file containing
# valid HTML formatting statements you wish to use at the
# bottom of every message page.

#mhtmlfooterfile =

# Specify number of seconds to wait for a lock before we
# override it! .

#locktime = 3600

# Format (see strftime(3)) for displaying dates.
#dateformat =

# A word to be stripped from all subject lines. Helps unclutter
# mailing lists which add tags to subject lines.
#stripsubject =

# Format of the attachment links.
# %p for the full path to the attachment
# %f for the file name part only
# %d for the directory name only
# %n for the message number
# %c for the content type string

#attachmentlink =

# Set this to On to make hypermail not output real email addresses
# in the output HTML but instead it will obfuscate them a little.
#spamprotect = Off

# Set this to Off to make hypermail not output an index of
# messages with attachments.

#attachmentsindex = On

# Set this to On to create fine-grained links from quoted
# text to the text where the quote originated. It also improves
# the threads index file by more accurately matching messages
# with replies. Note that this may be rather cpu intensive (see
# the searchbackmsgnum option to alter the performance).
#linkquotes = Off

# If the linkquotes option is on and an incremental update is being# done (-u option), this controls the tradeoff between speed and
# the reliability of finding the right source for quoted text.
# Try to set it to the largest number of messages between a
# message and the final direct reply to that message.
#searchbackmsgnum = 500

# If the linkquotes option is on, specifying a string here
# causes it to generate links from original quoted text to the
# location(s) in replies which quote them. The string
# is used to display the link.

#link_to_replies =

# If the linkquotes option is on, setting this to an
# integer less than 100 will cause it to replace quoted
# text with one-line links if the percent of lines in the
# message body (exluding the signature) consisting of
# quoted text exceeds the number indicated by this option.
#quote_hide_threshold = 100

# If the quote_hide_threshold option is being used, the
# quote_link_string will be used if available to display the
# link that replaces the quoted text. If no string is specified
# here, the first line of each section of quoted text will used.
#quote_link_string =

# Set this to On to create additional index files broken up
# by month. A summary.html file will provide links to all the
# monthly indices.

#monthly_index = Off

# Set this to On to create additional index files broken up
# by year. A summary.html file will provide links to all the
# yearly indices.

#yearly_index = Off

# If nonzero, break the threads index file into multiple files,
# with the initial message of each thread in the main index file
# along with links to files containing the replies. Setting this
# to 1 creates one file for each thread that has replies, and is
# recommended for archives with over a few hundred messages.
# Setting this greater than 1 will produce multiple levels of files
# for each thread whose replies are nested by more than 1 level,
# but that is rarely useful. This option is currently disabled
# if the indextable option is turned on, and probably needs to
# be less than thrdlevels.

#thread_file_depth = 0

# This string causes the messages to be put in subdirectories
# by date. The string will be passed to strftime(3) to generate
# subdirectory names based on message dates. Suggested values are
# "%y%m" or "%b%y" for monthly subdirectories, "%Y" for
# yearly, "%G/%V" for weekly. Do not alter this for an existing
# archive without removing the old html files. If you use this
# and update the archive incrementally (e.g. with -u), you must
# use the usegdbm option.

folder_by_date = %Y-%m

# Put messages in subdirectories with this many messages per
# directory. Do not use this and folder_by_date on the same archive.
# Do not alter this for an existing archive without removing the old
# html files. Deleted/expired messages ARE COUNTED for the purpose
# of deciding how many messages to put in a subdirectory.
#msgsperfolder = 0

# Controls the labels used in folders.html to describe the
# directories created by the folder_by_date or msgsperfolder
# options. For folder_by_date labels, the describe_folder string
# will be passed to strftime(3) the same as the folder_by_date string.
# For msgsperfolder:
# %d for the directory number (starts with 0)
# %D for the directory number (starts with 1)
# %m for the number of the first message in the directory
# %M for the number of the last message that can be put in the
# directory.

#describe_folder =

# If folder_by_date or msgsperfolder are in use, create
# a symbolic link by this name to the most recently created
# subdirectory. Note that many web servers are configured to
# not follow symbolic links for security reasons.
#latest_folder =

# Set this to On to support ISO-2022-JP messages.
#iso2022jp = Off

# This is the list of headers that indicate the message should
# not be displayed if the value of this header is 'yes'.
#deleted = X-Hypermail-Deleted X-No-Archive

# This is the list of headers that indicate the message should
# not be displayed if the value of this header is a date in the past.
#expires = Expires

# This is the list of message numbers that should be deleted from the
# html archive. The mbox is not changed.
#delete_msgnum =

# 0 - remove deleted and expired files. Note that with this choice

      threading may be screwed up if there are replies to deleted or
      expired options and the archive is updated incrementally

# 1 - remove message body
# 2 - remove message body for deleted messages, leave expired messages
# 3 - leave all messages
# Deleted and expired messages are removed from the index files
# regardless of the delete_level selection.
#delete_level = 1

# If you want the original mail messages archived in individual files,
# set this to the extension that you want these messages to have
# (recommended value: txt).

#txtsuffix =

# Delete from the html archives any message having a header line
# which matches any of these expressions. Uses the same rules for
# deletion as the expires option. The expressions use the same
# syntax as Perl regular expressions.

#filter_out =

# Delete from the html archives any message not having header lines
# which match each of these expressions. Uses the same rules for
# deletion as the expires option. The expressions use the same
# syntax as Perl regular expressions.

#filter_require =

# Delete from the html archives any message having a line
# which matches any of these expressions. Uses the same rules for
# deletion as the expires option. The expressions use the same
# syntax as Perl regular expressions.

#filter_out_full_body =

# Delete from the html archives any message not having lines
# which match each of these expressions. Uses the same rules for
# deletion as the expires option. The expressions use the same
# syntax as Perl regular expressions.

#filter_require_full_body =

# This controls what happens to alternatives (other than the prefered
# alternative) for multipart/alternative messages.
# 0 - discard non-prefered alternatives
# 1 - show all alternatives inline
# 2 - put non-prefered alternatives in a separate file.
#save_alts = 0

# If save_alts is 1, this text is put between the alternatives.
# If save_alts is 2, this text is used to describe the link to each
# alternative file.

#alts_text =

# Set this to On to get warnings (on stdout) about messages that
# are not converted because of they are missing a msgid (if
# require_msgids is On) or because one of the following options
# surpressed it: deleted expires delete_msgnum filter_out
# filter_require filter_out_full_body filter_require_full_body.
#warn_surpressions = On

# Any characters listed in this string are removed from user-specified
# attachment filenames. Those characters will be replaced by a "_"
# (which means that specifying "_" here won't have any effect).
# Note that many characters (including / and \) are removed by the
# safe_filename in parse.c regardless of what this option says. There
# might be some security problems that can be prevented if you specify
# "." here (e.g. if a web server is configured to enable server side
# includes on filenames ending in something other than .shtml), but
# that will prevent browsers from recognizing many file types.
#unsafe_chars = Received on Tue 10 Dec 2002 07:29:19 PM GMT

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.2.0 : Thu 22 Feb 2007 07:33:54 PM GMT GMT