[hypermail] Made the small text changes. Thanks!

From: Ron Pero <rpero_at_boone.net_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 14:55:08 -0500
Message-Id: <>

Done! Thank you for your help.

It ended up being simple once I figured out what to do, with your help.

For anyone else who may wish to do it... (I am using usetable=1)

  1. To prevent the "Thread view" link from being displayed:

In print.c, in fprint_menu, simply comment out these lines, like so:

**    if (idx != THREAD_INDEX)
**	fprintf(fp, "<th><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></th>\n", thrdname,
**		lang[MSG_THREAD_VIEW]);


2. To change the wording in the link from "Other mail archives" to "Other Lists", and make the capitalization consistent, and other minor text changes:

In lang.h, scroll down to the set of English messages, and edit away. Look for this:
** English version of the language table

char *en[] = { /* English */

3. I just redid the make commands as in the readme (hypermail was already installed on my system, so did not do the configure command). make
cd to src
make install

Went perfectly smoothly.

Thanks again,

Ron Received on Thu 08 Mar 2001 09:56:20 PM GMT

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